MORAL ORDER premieres in France and announced in the official selection of the Tokyo film festival
MORAL ORDER, by Mário Barroso, with Maria de Medeiros as protagonist, premiered this Wednesday, September 30, in France, in more than forty rooms (among them, 4 of the most important rooms in Paris, in this opening week). The praise by French critics has multiplied.
The Tokyo International Film Festival has just announced that MORAL ORDER is one of the films that will be part of the Official Selection of its 33rd edition, which will run from October 31st to November 11th. This presence at the prestigious Japanese festival adds to the Official Selection of the 43rd São Paulo International Film Festival (Mostra) and the 35th Valencia Film Festival - Cinema del Mediterrani.
In Portugal, ORDEM MORAL, which has occupied since its debut one of the top spots of the most watched films in Portugal in recent weeks, now enters the fourth week of exhibition, in various theatres across the country.
"True and romantic, the story of Mário Barroso's film is brought to light by the fusion of mise en scène and the acting by its lead actress."
Jean-Michel Frodon,
“Conceived as an offer to its actress, the film is dedicated to and dominated by Maria de Medeiros. Oliveiriana, Monteiriana and herself a filmmaker, Medeiros crosses Moral Order with all her delicate and imperious authority as an actress, like a little gorgon. She goes from lucid passion, which we might think was determined by anger and resentment, to rationalized revolt against the “son of a bitch” - a term she pronounces at the opening of the film, in an avenging appeal of bourgeois tragedy.
Leave everything behind, strip yourself of everything. Ignore all the rules of decorum, order and morals. Inconceivable, the midday demon in women does not exist. Only madness is conceivable, under the name of hysteria, menopause or any other hormonal dysregulation; and the crazy ones are imprisoned. The newspaper's owner makes headlines, challenges her daily life, terrifies good doctors, the hypocritical society in which her son and husband chase her maids and friends
Maria Adelaide joins the tragic fate of obstinate and sentimental women who defied the patriarchal, heterosexual and bourgeois "moral order" of the entrepreneurs of the early 20th century, who interned them to get rid of them. "
"Elegant and classic, the film offers Maria de Medeiros the opportunity for a very beautiful performance, in a vibrant and melancholy tribute to a sweet rebel."
“The fate [of Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha] is emblematic of the feminist cause that was asserting itself at the end of the first world war.
A Proustian evocation, served by a viscontian mise en scène [like in Senso or The Leopard). […] Maria de Medeiros finally finds a leading role at her level, in this historical drama so beautiful and pertinent that it relates to current times.”
Jacky Bornet, Culture France Télévisions
“Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha is a pioneer of European feminism, as this beautiful film by Mário Barroso demonstrates. […] Wearing her character's skin completely, Maria de Medeiros indulges in an impressive composition that leaves us with a good memory. ”
“Moral Order narrates the struggle for the freedom of a woman in the early 20th century as a universal symbol of female emancipation. A powerful and elegant film […] designed and carried from beginning to end by a truly amazing Maria de Medeiros. ”
Laurent Cambon, A Voir, à lire
“Maria de Medeiros does much more than shine. She explodes, sparkles, radiates throughout her entire being, a soul tormented by the powerful, a broken heart that beats for justice to be served. As in a great classic, Mário Barroso paints humanity as a great master of feelings. Maria de Medeiros, Marcello Urgeghe, João Pedro Mamede present themselves with elegance, conviction, passion… A great film. ”
L’heure de la sortie
Link to the article by Jean-Michel Frodon here.