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Off the Beaten Track Longe da Estrada

A film by Hugo Vieira da Silva, co-realizado com Paulo MilHomens with Antoine de Foucauld

Taiti, 1903. Doctor, poet and artist Victor Segalen left France and headed for Hiva’Oa, to meet Gauguin personally. On his arrival on the island, he learns the painter had passed away. Adapted from the writings of Victor Segalen, Longe da Estrada is a very fine view of the work, life and contradictions of the great painter Paul Gauguin. And a modern analysis of the relationship between colonizers and colonized people.

Inspired on the writings of Victor Segalen.

2023 | Portugal, France | 105 min | Drama, historical | Feature film

Festivals and awards

LEFFEST 18º – Lisboa Film Festival

Official Selection – Out of Competition

Cast and crew

Antoine de Foucauld

Jean Ihopu

Cedric Tchan
Nicolas de Lavergne
Laurent Bur
Kalani Salmon

A film by Hugo Vieira da Silva

Co-directed by Paulo MilHomens
Screenplay: Hugo Vieira da Silva, Claudia Bottino
Assistant Director: Pedro Madeira
Costumes: Lucha d'Orey
Art director: Paula Szabo
Director of Photography:  Eberhard Schedl
Sound: David Badalo, Pedro Góis

Original score by Peter Knight

Editing: Paulo MilHomens
Delegate Producer: Mariana Marta Branco
Co-producers: Virginie Tetoofa, Maruia Richmond
Produced by Paulo Branco and Ana Pinhão Moura

A free adaptation of the graphic novel “Gauguin, Loin de La Route” by Christophe Gaultier and Maximilien Le Roy, combined with the reading of Victor Segalen’s correspondence (Correspondance 1839-1912) and his sometimes incomplete texts: “Hommage à Gauguin”, “Le Maitre-du-Jouir” and “Gauguin dans son dernier décor”

A Leopardo Filmes production

In co-production with
Alfama Films Production
APM Actions Per Minute
AHI Company

With the financial support of
ICA - Instituto do cinema e do audiovisual
CNC - Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée
SCA - Soutien à la création cinématographique et audiovisuelle
Fundo de apoio ao turismo e ao cinema
Turismo do Tahiti
RTP - Rádio e televisão de Portugal
Programa Media EU, Europa Criativa, de apoio ao desenvolvimento

International sales and festivals: Alfama Films

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